I am going through a tribulation in my life, and I can’t help but make conjectures about what might happ […]
I hope that the judge will show clemency towards me, as I try to elude the consequences of my actions. (私が行動の結 […]
I learned about the high rate of incarceration in the United States, which greatly perturbed me. (私はアメリカの高い投獄率 […]
The increased police presence in the neighborhood has helped to deter crime, providing a reprieve for the loca […]
Desiccation is a common problem in arid regions where water is scarce. (脱水は、水が不足している乾燥地域において一般的な問題です。) It is i […]
My boss was irascible, and his bad temper often implicated the entire team. (私の上司は短気であり、彼の悪い気性はしばしばチーム全体を巻き込むこ […]