“Sporadic rain showers are a constituent of the unpredictable weather patterns in this region.” (散 […]
I have a disdain for people who engage in sleazy business practices. (私は、いかがわしい商慣行を行う人々を軽蔑します。) disdain: を拒絶する […]
I would like to felicitate my colleague on his promotion. His hard work and dedication have paid off, and this […]
I had to improvise with the ingredients I had to make dinner tonight. (今夜の夕食を作るために、手元にある材料で即席に対応する必要がありました。) I […]
I had a strange premonition today, so I took some time to ruminate on it. (私は今日、奇妙な前兆を感じたので、それについてじっくりと熟考しました。 […]
I have a deep detestation for flaccid vegetables. (私はたるんだ野菜に対して深い憎悪を抱いています。) detestation: 憎悪 flaccid: たるんだ