日: 2024年1月9日

We need to dilute the cleaning solution in order to make it less concentrated. (私たちは、掃除液を薄める必要があります。これにより、濃度を低 […]
I am averse to obtruding my opinions on others. (私は他人に自分の意見を押し付けることを嫌います。) averse: 気が進まない、反対して obtrude: を押し付ける
It is inane to expect restitution without providing evidence of damages. (損害の証拠を提出せずに賠償を期待することは馬鹿げている。) inane: […]
After careful consideration, the company has decided to implement a turnover plan to enhance team dynamics and […]
My love for gardening is a perennial passion that precludes any hesitation to get my hands dirty. (私のガーデニングへの愛 […]
I could not believe his temerity to challenge our CEO without any evidence and just based on rumors. (彼が証拠もなく噂 […]