日: 2024年1月14日

I repudiate the notion that success is solely based on luck; instead, I surmise that it is a result of hard wo […]
The palpable excitement in the air was a testament to the vernacular charm of the local festival. (空気中に漂う実感可能な […]
I would like to give you an exhortation to take a hiatus from work and take some time for yourself. (私はあなたに仕事を […]
He is often seen as an inept politician, but he has a strong support base in the fringe parties. (彼はしばしば無能な政治家 […]
I am completely enamored with classical music, but I have a strong detestation for heavy metal. (私はクラシック音楽に完全に […]
I would like to extol the benefits of regular exercise as a means to improve both physical and mental health. […]