Please be succinct when writing emails to your colleagues and avoid prying into their personal lives. (同僚にメールを […]
My car is starting to look a bit tarnished, but I’m afraid to take it to the car wash because my kids ca […]
The government’s confiscation of illegally obtained assets sends a felicitous message to the public that […]
Many studies have shown that people who prioritize money over other values tend to have higher levels of cupid […]
Surmising that the project would require an unconscionable amount of resources, the team decided to scale back […]
Despite the blemish on his record, the governor may show clemency to the convict with a strong case for lenien […]
Our company has implemented a new security system that is virtually impregnable against any potential cyber at […]
“I have an ulterior motive for hoarding all these canned goods. I want to be prepared for any emergency. […]
The importance of ingrain sustainable habits in our daily lives cannot be overstated, especially in the face o […]
I found an interesting excerpt from a book that might help solve the problem. But let’s be careful not t […]