Unveil Linguistic Excellence: Your Next English Achievement Awaits!

I was offered a sinecure at the company, but it only served to deject me. (私にはその会社で名誉職が提供されたが、それは私をがっかりさせるだけだっ […]
The new employee proved to be recalcitrant, refusing to follow instructions and causing disruptions in the wor […]
I have a propensity for saving money, so I always make sure to set aside a portion of my income for an appropr […]
I had to deal with a recalcitrant employee who refused to follow company policies, even after several warnings […]
We have made a provisional decision, but we are open to making changes if necessary. (私たちは暫定的な決定をしましたが、必要に応じて変 […]
The raucous noise from the construction outside forced the committee to adjourn their meeting early. (工事現場からの耳 […]
Plagiarism is a serious offense that is often committed by students. (盗用は、しばしば学生によって犯される重大な違反行為である。) It involv […]
He had a kind and gentle mien, and his heart went out to the indigent. (彼は優しく穏やかな態度をしており、彼の心は貧乏な人々に向かっていた。) mi […]
I hope these strategies will deter cheaters and prevent foul play in the game. (私は、これらの戦略がチーターを阻止し、ゲーム内での不正行為を […]
I find solace in the solitude of nature, where I can relinquish the chaos of the city and embrace the tranquil […]