I watched as the squirrel scurried across the park, searching for food. (私は公園でリスが慌てて走り回って餌を探すのを見ていました。) The so […]
It is impertinent to ignore the precept of treating others with respect. (他人を尊重するという命令書を無視するのは無礼です。) impertine […]
I have been reading this book for a while, but I find it incredibly insipid. The plot is dull, and the charact […]
I vacillate between two options, but I am determined to achieve consummation. (私は2つの選択肢の間で揺れ動いていますが、成就を達成する決意を […]
He always sneers at people who have a proclivity for procrastination. (彼は、先延ばしの傾向がある人々をいつもあざ笑って言う。) sneer: あざ笑 […]
My cooking skills are rudimentary, but I can still whip up a delicious meal. (私の料理の技術は基本的だが、それでもおいしい食事を作ることができ […]
He made an irrevocable decision to quit his job and start his own business, knowing that it would require a gr […]
I need to find pertinent information about the new software before I can make a decision. (私は決定をする前に、新しいソフトウェア […]
I believe that intrinsic motivation is essential for personal growth, as it comes from within and allows indiv […]
Please stop being so impertinent, it’s really starting to tantalize me. (無礼な態度をやめてくれ、それは本当にじらす行為だ。) tant […]